题 目: Bio-alchemy using water and biological systems
主讲人: Prof. Tetsuo Kondo
Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
时 间:2014年10月23日下午2:00 -4:00
地 点:生命科学与技术学院东十一楼二楼会议室
Tetsuo Kondo教授毕业于日本东京大学,获得日本东京大学与日本京都大学双博士学位。Tetsuo Kondo教授是日本九州大学生物能源与环境科学研究院教授,是日本纤维素协会副主席,曾获日本纤维素科技协会奖,也是国际木质科学学会会员。其主要研究领域包括生物炼制中的纳米材料设计、高分子物理化学,碳水化合物化学等。
In general, hierarchical structures of bio-based materials are built up through self-assembly of molecules and are followed by nano-assembly further up to a higher-level structure. The key process for each step is formation of the interfacial interactions on the individual sizes. Nature usually performs such a bottom-up process to fabricate a product. On the contrary, we have another direction that is a top-down process. In fact, various methods are now under development as a downsizing method.
This presentation attempts at first to briefly show a bottom up autonomous 3D-fabrication of cellulose nanofibers and inorganics on patterned cellulose templates such as nematic ordered cellulose (NOC)1-5. Secondly, the author will introduce our unique fiber spinning system directly secreted from plant cells: that is an induction of a new biosynthesis process as a stress-response when the culture environments are drastically changed6. Thirdly, it will refer to our recent technique; namely, nano-pulverization by the aqueous counter collision (ACC), successfully decomposes the interactions selectively without any damage to the molecular structure, and finally liberates the components at various sizes into water to provide a transparent and homogeneous component/water system7. The obtained nanocellulose fibers have been now extensively studied in basic nano-material science and their application.
In combination of the above three ways under aqueous conditions, the author’s group is now attempting to develop superior bio-based materials with 3-D novel nano/micro hierarchical structures. It is no doubt that the proposed methods are environmentally friendly when compared with conventional methods in terms of both energy efficiency and cost performance. The author calls his original strategy as "Bio-Alchemy".