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学术报告:Role of Yap and β-catenin during Hepatoblastoma (HB) development in mice

作者:编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2017-12-26 点击量:

报告人:陶君彦 助理教授

目:Role of Yap and β-catenin during Hepatoblastoma (HB) development in mice

间:20171226 15:30-17:30


邀请人:张晓昱 教授


    多年来从事肝癌方面的研究,深入探究致癌基因与连环蛋白之间的相互关系。近十年在Hepatology, Gastroenterology, J Biol Chem, Mol Cancer Ther等高水平杂志上发表学术论文30余篇,拥有“The application of Berberine for the treatment or prevention of influenza virus”、The application of Berberine for the treatment HBV virus”、“The application of usnic acid for the treatment of influenza virus”等6项专利。

    长期作为Oncotarget, Molecular Oncology, Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, Current Neuropharmacology, BMC cancer, BMC ophthalmology, Journal of chromatography B, Archiv der Pharmazie, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Pharmaceutical Biology, Chinese Journal of Chromatography等高水平杂志审稿人。多次参与HEPATOBILIARY CANCERS, PISA, Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology, Plant and Animal Genome XX Conference等国际学术交流活动并做报告。

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电话:027-87792072   领导邮箱:lifelife@hust.edu.cn