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作者:编辑:任一杰 时间:2019-07-25 点击量:



Day 8: 参观马克思故居

  晴好天气仍在继续,在与Alain Zozime教授道别后,我们离开了Evry和法国,开始了新一轮在德国的行程。

  经过数个小时的车程之后,我们来到马克思故居所在地,特里尔城。特里尔,位于德国靠近卢森堡的边界,是德国最古老的城市。曾经作为罗马帝国的军队驻地,拥有超过2000年的历史。而古城驻地的象征‘黑门’-是阿尔卑斯山以北最宏伟、保存最完好的古罗马时代城门。除了大量的古罗马帝国遗迹之外,特里尔更为今人所知的是伟大的哲学家、经济学家、革命理论家和社会学家-马克思(Karl Heinrich Marx)的故乡。












  Most of the day was on the way. During the morning we packed our luggage, bade farewell to professor Alain, and got on the bus, thus starting the journey to Germany.

  I objected to the bus trip to some extent. It is easy for people to get dizzy when they read or play with phones on a bus, so the only thing left to do is fall asleep or appreciate the scenery outside the windows. And they always end up feeling extremely tired, even if they have done nothing but sitting on a bus for the whole day. It took us six hours to get to Trier, with 45 minutes’ stop to avoid fatigue driving.

  Trier is the oldest city in Germany. It is close to the boundaries between France and Germany, so people here are said to be multilingual, mastering French, Germany and English at the same time. It appears to be more like a small town located in the mountainous area, with a small number of narrow streets and walking people. There are some musicians playing instruments on the square or sitting beside the shopwindow. One accordionist seemed to be fully absorbed in his music, his eyes closed as his head waving with the melodies. The locals were obviously accustomed to these street artists, and most of them walked their own way, as if nothing special was going on. The architecture style here formed a sharp contrast with those of the buildings in France, for the houses along the road appeared to be more regular and neat.

  There were several things which impressed me as we hung around the City. One thing was that when I checked out in a grocery store, I was astonished to be told that they did not accept payment by credit. In my opinion, Credit cards in Europe were similar to the Alipay in China--- You can even use them in the vending machine! While such a medium sized store in Trier still stuck to cash, It may be reasonable to suppose that this city was relatively confined ,remaining uninterrupted by visitors. Another thing was the enthusiasm of German people. When we walked into a chocolate shop, the owner invited us to taste their products .Instead of being impatient when we spent a long time trying to find enough coins, He smiled and helped to count the coins on the table, and said “have a nice day” loudly when we walked out. Similar things happened when I purchased cosmetics in another shop. The staff answered “You are welcome” in a way like singing and laughed happily when I waved goodbye to her. I have long held the stereotypes that Germany are serious while French people are romantic, which is quite the opposite towards my experience in dealing with them. The salesclerk in Evry tended to avoid talking with customers ,and usually greeted you with a emotionless “Merci” when checking out at the counter. Comparatively, here in Trier, People really seemed to enjoy their work, showing an enthusiastic attitude to those they meet during work .I felt quite warm and delighted , smiling all the way as I walked back to the restaurant where we were going to have dinner.

  It was a 45 min drive from Trier to our hotel. We were all delighted to see that the hotel was like a resort villa. And the day ended with our group walking in the field and watching the sunset.

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