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作者:编辑:任一杰 时间:2019-07-24 点击量:


  教学楼下自助贩卖机的咖啡大都只要0.5欧,Alain 告诉我“贫穷”的法国人喝不起饮料喝不起茶,只能靠咖啡来度日。法国人总喝的一种叫long espresso ,和美式咖啡相比显得精致,却又没有意式浓缩那么苦涩浓郁,正像极了法国人。

  早晨的基因科学课程,照例由Valérie女士为们带来。她上课的风格一言以蔽之乃温柔也。”is everyone ok?”是她上课时的一句口头禅,为了保证了每一位同学都能跟得上课堂,Valérie女士可谓是尽心尽力。evry,基因科学这门课程和国内相比不尽相同,老师的课堂一般会被分为两个主要部分:原理阐释和实际运用。前一个半小时老师会着力利用ppt将基因测序等过程的具体原理以及实验室操作讲清楚,而紧接着的后半节课则会带着我们在现成的数据库中搜索我们需要的生物信息并对海量的信息加以处理和分析,这对我们从理论到应用的知识衔接大有裨益。不过这种小规模课堂,重视知识应用,需要老师不断引导的授课模式可能在中国学生人数较大,教学资源比较紧张的条件下一时很难推广开来。不过这种教学模式也并非百利而无一害。回想近几日所学,发现记忆并不十分深刻,仔细分析也许是因为老师的指引过于细致,在体验知识应用过程中,思维上反倒产生了一种惰性,对于过程中的每一个步骤缺少了那么点自己的探索与深入而细致的思考,这也就使得知识应用仅仅停留在跟着老师应用一次的程度上了。




  As in the past, the morning of July 18 was also awakened by the sun. This season, Paris always wakes up earlier than I have filled the schedule. The milk was just iced, and the habit of getting a cup of boiling water was replaced by a bowl of iced milk oats. Even in the coat, evry's early morning still has a hint of coolness, which makes the bonjour from the stranger in the elevator more and more precious.

  Most of the coffee in the downstairs self-service vending machines is only 0.5 euros. Alain tells me that the "poor" French people can't afford to drink and can't afford tea. They can only rely on coffee to spend the day. The French always drink a long espresso, which is more refined than American coffee, but it is not as concentrated as the Italian condensed, just like the French.

  The morning genetics course was brought to us by Ms. Valérie as usual. The style of her class is a gentle word. "is everyone ok?" is a mantra in her class. In order to ensure that every classmate can keep up with the class, Ms. Valérie can do her best. In evry, the course of genetic science is not the same as that in China. The teacher's classroom is generally divided into two main parts: principle interpretation and practical application. In the first hour and a half, the teacher will focus on using ppt to clarify the specific principles of the process of gene sequencing and laboratory operations, and the second half of the class will take us in the ready-made database to search for the biological information we need and The processing and analysis of vast amounts of information is of great benefit to our knowledge transfer from theory to application. However, in this small-scale classroom, the emphasis on knowledge application requires that the teacher's continuous teaching mode may be difficult to promote when the number of Chinese students is large and the teaching resources are relatively tight. However, this mode of teaching is not a blessing. Recalling what I learned in recent days, I found that the memory is not very profound. The careful analysis may be because the teacher's guidance is too detailed. In the process of experiencing the application of knowledge, the thinking has produced a kind of inertia, which is missing for every step in the process. Then point to your own exploration and in-depth and meticulous thinking, which makes the knowledge application only stay with the teacher once.

  Under the careful planning and arrangement of Alain, we took erer to the laboratory of Bath in the afternoon. Erer translated roughly refers to the intercity railway, and the transportation system in Paris is complex and "retro". From intercity railways to urban subways to underground light rails are roughly divided into three categories, each with 5 to 10 different lines, and even different branches on each line. To really understand Paris, let her The traffic system starts. The “retro” of the Paris underground transportation system is not only reflected in its Gothic-style subway station, but also in its occasional outage repairs. In order to cope with the embarrassing situation of outage repairs, the "smart" French people set up free buses between the subway stations to ferry passengers from one subway station to another. After experiencing such a dilemma in the afternoon, I deeply understood the "sorrow of God"; the French always laughed at themselves. "God feels that the art culture of France is great. The architecture is too beautiful. It is unfair to other places in the world. So he created French".

  It is forbidden to take pictures during the visit to the laboratory of the laboratory in Bath, probably because of the fact that Mr. Pasteur’s “the boudoir is true” in the museum. When the experimental instruments used in the Pasteur experiments described in the book were originally presented, the chemist, biologist, entrepreneur, and life winner were naturally more admired and even envied.

  After the end of the Seine, the cold evening wind of Paris, the lonely Notre Dame de Paris, the familiar gray blue of the sky, the gray blue of the moon and the night of Van Gogh's pen, beautiful but also blue.

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