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    The French Academic Summer Camp for undergraduates from LifeST-HUST Started in July

    作者:编辑:任一杰 时间:2018-07-24 点击量:

      (correspondent Manman Xia) The story of The French Academic Summer Camp for undergraduates from LifeST-HUST and the travel of life science still continue. Under the preliminary association of professor Jianmiao Liu ,a two-week scientific research travel at the university in Paris, the Pasteur institute and the Curie institute were carried out successfully.

    P1 Students at the Curie institute

      In the encounter and collision with life science, many wonderful scientific research reports and various advanced experimental equipment make students to increase our knowledge and broaden our horizon. We are honored to come to the famous Curie institute for visiting, learning and enjoying the wonderful reports by professor AH Monsoro, Dr. Antoine Forget and other scholars about the latest development of cancer treatment. For example, Professor David PASTRÉ and professor Alexandre MAUCUER(from the INSERM laboratory), introduced the results of their labs: with the function of the transportation of the micro tube, they can develop new drug targets and transport the drug molecules to the specified location; RNA scissors are affected by a variety of shear factors. If the process is wrong, the addition or loss of a single splicing site may cause diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases(e.g. Alzheimer's disease). Therefore, further study of the mechanism of RNA splicing has the significant meaning for the treatment of the disease.

    P2 Students ask questions at the Curie museum

      In the process of visiting the university of Versailles, we have seen the mass spectrometer, the flow cytometry, the laser microscope, and so on, and we have a deeper understanding of their principles and their practical applications. The last stop of trip, we visited the Pasteur museum, faced with the experimental equipment left behind, we reviewed his research path, looked at his brilliant achievements, simultaneously we are firmly influenced by his scientific faith! During the whole trip, our students actively asked questions to the scientific researchers. After we were answered, our own expression ability and scientific literacy were improved.

    P3 Students in ISCN

    P4 Students at the Pasteur museum

    P5 Students are visiting SABNP

      To get a better understanding of France's history and culture, Alain Zozime, the  professor worked at the university of Evry, arranged a weekend getaway to Fontainebleau and Eiffel Tower. In addition to study, we also have the opportunity to experience the different aspects of French culture with the ancient palace, dense jungle and picturesque seaside.

    P6 Students at the Fontainebleau Palace

      During the trip to the French Academic Summer Camp, All of students in this romantic capital have been constantly experiencing the charm of life science, expanding our horizons and improving ourselves. With the strong support from the university and the college, students from Huazhong University of Science and Technology will have more opportunities to enter world-class universities and show the elegant demeanor of students from HUST on a wider stage.

    P7 Students prepare a performance for the people organizing the summer camp to express their gratitude.




      (通讯员 夏曼曼)第二周在法国巴黎的日子里,华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院的本科生学术夏令营和生命科学之旅的故事仍在继续。根据刘剑淼教授前期的多方联系沟通下,法国研学夏令营一行人在巴黎萨克雷大学、居里研究所、巴斯德研究所等名校及研究机构为期两周的科学之旅顺利进行。


      在与生命科学知识和思想的碰撞和碰撞中,在许多精彩的科研报告和各种先进的实验设备的使用和了解中,团队学生增加了知识,开阔了视野。我们很荣幸来到著名的居里研究所访问,AH Monsoro教授以及Antoine Forget博士等多位学者带来的精彩报告展现了癌症治疗最前沿的动态。来自INSERM实验室的David PASTRÉ以及Alexandre MAUCUER教授向大家介绍了各自实验室的诸多研究成果:利用微管可运输物质的功能,开发新的药物靶点并将药物分子特异性地运输到指定位置;RNA剪接受很多种剪切因子的影响,若该过程发生错误,如单个剪接位点的增加或缺失便有可能造成神经退行性疾病(如阿尔兹海默症),故深入研究RNA剪接的机理对治疗该类疾病有重大意义。










      为了使大家更好的了解法国的历史文化和风土人情,法国埃夫里大学的Alain Zozime教授周末精心安排了小插曲——枫丹白露及艾特塔之行。学习之余,大家也有机会在古老的宫殿、茂密的丛林,如画的海边,感受到了法国文化的不同一面。





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