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时间:2008-06-13     浏览次数:

生命学院创新基地2004级本科生张郭智在临近毕业之际,所投文章又获国际学术期刊录用,发表和录用文章的影响因子超过10.2Scientific Citation Index 2006)。

张郭智自进入创新基地数字生命小组后,在刘谦副教授的指导下,完成了基于现有数字中国人(Visible Chinese Human, VCH)高精度二维断层图像数据集,构建了三维真实解剖学计算体素(Voxel)模型(Anatomical Computational Phantom),并进行单位理化参数定义,构建基于MCNPOak Ridge National Laboratory, US)程序代码蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)放射粒子运输系统(Radiation Transport),完成多粒子(光子、中子、质子)放射物理反应模拟与计量仿真(Dosimetry),做出与临床放射医学、核医药、核辐射防护等相关的目标吸收剂量和有效剂量估计。计量结果可以从很大程度上补充或校正现有放射学计量数据集,为临床放疗规划和辐射防护设计提供参考。


[1]         Guozhi Zhang, Qian Liu* and Qingming Luo. (2007) “Monte Carlo simulations for external neutron dosimetry based on the visible Chinese human phantom” Physics in Medicine and Biology 52:7367-7383. IF=2.873

[2]         Guozhi Zhang, Qingming Luo, Shaoqun Zeng and Qian Liu* (2008) “The development and application of the visible Chinese Human model for Monte Carlo dose calculations” Health Physics 94:118-125. IF=0.902

[3]         Guozhi Zhang, Qian Liu*, Shaoqun Zeng and Qingming Luo (2008) “Organ dose calculations by Monte Carlo modeling of the updated VCH adult male phantom against idealized external proton exposure” Physics in Medicine and Biology (In Press) IF=2.873

[4]         Li Wu, Guozhi Zhang, Qingming Luo and Qian Liu* (2008) “ An image-based rat model for Monte Carlo organ dose calculations” Medical Physics (In Press) (并列第一作者) IF=3.571

[5]         Qian Liu*, Guozhi Zhang and Shaoqun Zeng (2008) “Conversion coefficients for external monoenergetic photon beams in the Visible Chinese Human model” Proc. SPIE Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics (San Jose, US)

