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学术讲座_Pygopus2 has a critical, Catnb-independent function in lens induction

时间:2009-03-17     浏览次数:




Pygopus2 has a critical, Catnb-independent function in lens induction


报告人:Ni Song Ph.D.


Divisions of Pediatric Ophthalmology1, Developmental Biology2, and Nephrology3, Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati, OH45229, USAMD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, USA



Drosophila Pygopus was originally identified as a core component of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway and a transcriptional coactivator through interaction with Catnb. Here we have investigated the microophthalmia that arises in mice with a germ-line null mutation of Pygopus2. We show that this phenotype is a consequence of defective lens development at inductive stages. Using a series of regionally limited cre recombinase transgenes for conditional deletion of Pygopus2flox we show that Pygopus2 activity in pre-placodal presumptive lens ectoderm, placodal ectoderm and ocular mesenchyme all contribute to lens development. In each case Pygopus2 is required for normal expression levels of the critical transcription factor Pax6 by acting in parallel to Pax6preplacode and N-cadherin. Finally, we provide multiple lines of evidence that although Pygopus2 can function in modulating the Wnt pathway its activity in lens development is independent of Catnb. Interestingly, ectopic lenses formed in the head surface ectoderm outside the presumptive lens ectoderm when Catnb but not Pygo2 was deleted in the OM, suggesting Catnb was involved in a lens suppression function of the OM. This study provides important in vivo data that will facilitate a further understanding of Wnt signaling pathway and lens development in the future.






