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时间:2017-09-30     浏览次数:


 2017 年国际青年学者东湖论坛—生命科学分论坛
Sub-forum for life science of The East Lake International Forum for Outstanding Overseas Young Scholars
2017 12 月下旬,中国武汉
December , 2 017
College of life science and technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
年龄在 40 岁以下;具有海外知名大学博士学位;或者具有国内博士学位,并在海外工作 3 年以上。
登陆> 了解东湖论坛有关情况。申请者发送个人简历(包括个人照片、教育及工作经历、研究工作创新成果简介以及发表文章情况等)至分论坛联系人 wuying2010@hust.edu.cn
11 20 日申请截止; 11 25 日前发出参会通知。论坛时间为 12 月下旬某一天(时间暂未定)。具体时间敬请关注,稍后会通知。
受邀参会学者往返差旅经费由主办单位提供(最高差旅补助为每人 1 万元人民币),论坛期间食宿由主办单位统一安排。
电话: +86-27-87792072

Sub-forum for life science of The East Lake International Forum for Outstanding Overseas Young Scholars
December , 2017
Wuhan, China
Organizer: College of life science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan
1. About the Forum
The East Lake International Forum for Outstanding Overseas Young Scholars is sponsored by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and the college of life science undertakes the sub Forum for life science. The Sub-forum aims at gathering outstanding young scientists and technologists all over the world to interact and discuss emerging frontiers in science and technology. The sub-forum for life science covers a wide range of disciplines including Biology, Biomedical engineering, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Bio-pharmaceutical engineering, Biomedicine etc. Through presentations and discussions, the forum will foster cross-disciplinary exchange and cooperation among the meeting participants in emerging scientific and technological fields and contribute to sustainable development.
2. Requirements for applicants
To be eligible to apply, you must:
  Be under 40 years of age as of June 1st, 2018.
    Hold a doctoral degree from a world renowned university or a from a Chinese university with at least 3-year overseas working experience.
  Have innovation and talent in your research areas (life science).
3. Deadline for application
Please visit our website and submit your resume ( incuding photo, education&working experience and publication list etc) towuying2010@hust.edu.cnby November 20th, 2017. Qualified applicants will be contacted by November 25th , 2017. The forum will be held in late December (time is pending) . Please pay attention to the specific time and we will inform you by e-mail.
4. Travel and Accommodation
Participants can enjoy travel reimbursement ( 10,000 top), free accommodation and catering during the forum.
5. Contact Information
Miss Wu Ying