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时间:2009-11-10     浏览次数:

职称职务 教授
学科专业 生物医学工程
联系方式 87792366
电子邮箱 m.yuchi@hust.edu.cn
教育经历 1993.09-1997.06 华中科技大学自动控制系 学士
1998.03-2000.06 韩国国立庆尚大学电子系 学士
2000.09-2006.02 韩国高等科学技术院     博士
工作经历 2000.06-2007.06 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 博士后
研究方向 超声医学影像、智能计算


1、Spatio-Temporally Smoothed Coherence Factor for Ultrasound Imaging, Mengling Xu, Xin Yang, Mingyue Ding, and Ming Yuchi, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 61(1):182-190, January 2014
           2、Variability in the morphologic assessment of human sperm: use of the strict criteria recommended by the World Health Organization in 2010, Yongxin Wang, Jiali Yang, Yanping Jia, Chengliang Xiong, Tianqing Meng, Huangtao Guan, Wei Xia, Mingyue Ding, and Ming Yuchi,  Fertility and Sterility, 101(4):945-9, April 2014
           3、Optimal Estimation of Ion-Channel Kinetics from Macroscopic Currents, Wang W, Xiao F, Zeng X, Yao J, Yuchi M, Ding JP. Optimal Estimation of Ion-Channel Kinetics from Macroscopic Currents. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35208, 2012
           4、Needle segmentation using 3D Hough transform in 3D TRUS guided prostate transperineal therapy,  Qiu W, Ming YC, Ding MY, Tessier D, Fenster A,  MEDICAL PHYSICS, 40(4), APR 2013



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