来到生科中外新生暑期夏令营的第四天,居高不下的气温终于稍稍降低,太阳网开一面,给了被烈阳折磨已久的人们一天的多云天气。同时,在权衡课程内容的有效掌握度后,我们的Michael选择了以一节game lesson作为过渡。游戏的规则想你画我猜。一共分三组,全班同学均分为两组,Michael先生一人一组。游戏开始时,有一组先派一个人坐在教室正前方,面向大家。然后,后面的大屏幕会出现不同的图片,Michael负责写下图片的英文。台下的同组成员的任务就是让台上的人说出Michael写的英文单词。双方轮流上台,答对者加一分。如有肢体语言或念出黑板上的英文单词,则Michael加一分。最后,同学们平分,Michael大获全胜。是非常有趣的一节课
上午十点五十五分开始第二节课,外教Michael将我们按人数均分为三组,并给每组分配了不同的课题,分别是“a life without pain”,”Stephen Hawking”,和 “driving green”. Michael 希望大家认真研讨,绘制思维导图,并在最后周日下午的闭营仪式中向全体学员与老师展示。”Presentation的时间不超过五分钟,且每人发言应限制在30秒左右“在外教阐明规则后大家开始进行组内交流,讨论各自的分工与具体的展示内容,并各自成立了小组群方便讨论。Michael 也在为各组的筹备出谋划策,提供自己的意见。最终大家各自明确了自己的分工并开始积极准备,期待未来在闭营仪式上各组的精彩表现。
On the fourth day of the summer camp for Chinese and foreign freshmen in the biology department, the high temperature finally dropped slightly, and the sun net opened one side, giving people who had been tormented by the sun for a long time a cloudy day. At the same time, after weighing the effective mastery of the course content, our Michael chose to take a section game lesso n as transition. The rules of the game want you to draw I guess. There are three groups, and the whole class is divided into two groups, Mr. Michael is in a group. At the beginning of the game, a group of people are sent to sit in front of the classroom, facing everyone. Then, different pictures will appear on the big screen in the back, and Michael is responsible for writing down the pictures in English. The task of the group members in the audience was to get the people on the stage to say the English words written by Michael. The two sides take turns on the stage, and the correct answerer adds one point. If there's body language or pronouncing an English word on a chalkboard, Michael adds a point. In the end, the students were equally divided, and Michael won a big victory. It was a very interesting lesson
Starting the second class at 10:55 a.m., Foreign Teacher Michael divided us into three groups of people and assigned each group a different topic, namely "a life without pain", "Stephen Hawking", and "driving green". Michael hopes that everyone will seriously discuss, draw a mind map, and show it to all the students and teachers at the closing ceremony on the last Sunday afternoon. "The time of Pre sentation should not exceed five minutes, and each person should be limited to about 30 seconds" After the foreign teacher clarified the rules, everyone began to communicate in the group, discuss their own division of labor and specific display content, and set up their own group groups to facilitate discussion. Michael is also advising and advising on the preparation of the various groups. In the end, everyone clarified their division of labor and began to actively prepare, looking forward to the wonderful performance of each group at the closing ceremony in the future.
In the English class at two o'clock in the afternoon today, we had a discussion on the theme of painless life, the main discussion content was the thinking about the brain in the painless cylinder, Mr. Michael from the beginning of life in the joys and sorrows as a guide, and then gradually deepened into the meaning of life thinking, and told us that life in addition to happiness but also shoulder responsibility. After that, the teacher played us a TED speech video to help us strengthen our listening, in today's lesson, the teacher and the students have been actively using English to communicate, everyone's English level is improving while enjoying the humorous and funny class atmosphere, today's lesson let us gain a lot.
At 7:00 p.m., we listened to the lecture of Professor Zhang Pei on the beauty of the organism he felt in his research at Dongjiu C303, and learned about neurons, GABAB Receptors, neural pathways, and the relationship between disease and aging, I also learned about the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans used to study aging, and I learned about the subjects I would be studying from a different perspective. Then, Teacher Wei Fuxiang introduced the "force" of life, using the intersection of physics and biology to study the influence of different forms, frequencies and directions of forces on chromatin movement and gene expression and its application in cancer treatment, showing the charm of interdisciplinarity and rigorous scientific attitude, and everyone gained a lot..
We learned English expressions about bubble economy this morning. Before the beginning of the course, Albert, our foreign teacher, realigned our seats, divided us into four groups, and listed the topics available for our presentation. There are four topics to choose, namely, science in spices, stars, bubble economy. We each group faced a small screen and began today's discussion. First of all, Albert made us realize the meaning of bubble economy, that is, the macroeconomic state in which the value of assets exceeds the real economy and is easy to lose the ability of sustainable development. Because it lacks the support of the real economy, so the assets are generally easy to break, so it is called bubble economy. Since then, Albert has led us to think about the economic crisis caused by the bubble economy that has occurred in the past 20 years. As a result, we learned about the Wall Street storm caused by the breakdown of subprime loans in the United States in 2008.Then Albert taught us about the bubble economy and some related English words, and showed us how tulips detonated the first financial crisis in the world. This morning, the students very actively corresponded Albert. The classroom is full of laughter.
In the afternoon class, Albert led us to complete part of the group discussion on economic bubbles, and summarized all the words of the relevant courses, which gave us sufficient space for communication and interaction. Then, Albert led us into the topic of PI. Under Albert's guidance, we gradually became familiar with some conventional mathematical terms, such as diameter, radius, PI, density, and sum, etc., which equipped us with the basic ability of oral communication in related aspects.In addition, with multimedia means as the medium, Albert has made us have a clearer understanding of this subject and cultivated our listening and speaking ability, especially in terms of listening.In the course of teaching, Albert also kept interspersing some interesting examples, which expanded our vocabulary and brought the class to life, tightly grasped our attention and greatly improved our learning efficiency. Even after class, they were still eager to see Albert again early tomorrow.
At 7:00 in the evening, we arrived at room C303 of YiFu building to listen to the series of lectures on science brought by teacher Wei Fuxiang.Through this lecture, we have seen the most advanced biotechnology at present,and also understand the development prospects of biological science. In a word, this lecture made us gain a lot. After listening to the lecture, we went back to the dormitory, sorted out the activity track of the day, and integrated it into this log.
上午10:00至11:40,Ms.Sachini向我们讲解了什么是Economy Bubbles。她通过同学自主讨论等方式不仅让我们更深入的了解Economy Bubbles的含义,更提高了我们的口语能力和说口语的自信。此外,通过这堂课,我们对经济发展中的一些问题有了更加清晰的认识,也稍稍意识到我们肩负着的对人类未来的重大的责任。同时, Ms.Sachini不时用风趣的笑话舒缓课堂氛围,让大家轻松的融入课堂。值得一提的是,今天课堂为了营造英语口语氛围,课堂仅允许说英文,不过各位同学表现都很好,无人破禁。
晚饭过后,我们参加了“领悟生物之美”讲座,两位生物专业教授带我们领略了生物的美妙。两位老师分别从生物之美与力学在生物方面的作用两个角度出发,从生物的形体之美到微观分子之精妙,从力与生物的宏观作用到力影响生命 的深层机理,逻辑严谨,贯通文理,引领我们深入体会了生物的广博与细腻,也领会了生命的伟大与奇妙,并明白了生物科学这一学科的美与意义。
On August 24, Beijing time, entered the sino-foreign joint venture summer camp has been three days, the students have begun to get used to the summer camp slightly nervous curriculum, in the face of all English teaching, today's "appreciate the beauty of life science" science lecture shows us the great beauty of life. Students have a deeper understanding of the content they will learn, which is a rich day.
From 10:00 am to 11:40 AM, Ms. Sachini tells us what a E conomy B ubbles is. She not only gave us a deeper understanding of the meaning of E conomy B ubbles through the independent discussion of her classmates, but also improved our oral speaking ability and oral speaking confidence.In addition, through this lesson, we had a clearer understanding of some problems in economic development, and also a little aware of the great responsibility we shoulder for the future of mankind.at the same time,Ms. Sachini from time to time eased the atmosphere of the classroom with funny jokes, so that everyone can easily integrate into the class. It is worth mentioning that, in order to create a spoken English atmosphere in the class today, we were only allowed to speak English, but all the students performed very well, and no one was banned.
After lunch, we were followed by a pleasant English course in the afternoon, the afternoon was about the study of the universe, and the exploration of the mystery of the universe has inspired our strong interest in learning, Ms. Sachini to our patience to teach let us in the palace of English depth understand our universe, from the big bang to galaxy planet, we enjoy in the ocean of the universe feeling the English bath, explore the mystery of the universe also gradually become strong, and increasingly eager to learn professional knowledge to explore the mystery of hidden in biology. When the class was over, Ms. Sachini took us to play an English little game, which relaxed and also improved our oral English level, and narrowed the distance between the students.
After class, we actively responded to the call of the municipal government to do nucleic acid. After a short rest, we began to prepare for the evening activities. All the activities were carried out in good order.
After dinner, we attended the lecture on "Understanding the Beauty of Biology", and two biology professors took us to appreciate the beauty of biology.Two teachers respectively from the beauty of biology and mechanics in the role of biological perspectives, from the beauty of the body of the biological to the micro molecules, from force and biological macro force to affect the deep mechanism of life, logical logic, through the arts, lead us to experience the broad and exquisite, also grasp the great and wonderful life, and understand the beauty and significance of the subject of biological science.
Today's activities were tense but full of significance. Although a little tired, it makes us gain knowledge and expectations for the future, and also makes us gradually clarify our responsibilities and mission. I hope tomorrow's event will be more meaningful。