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作者:编辑:任一杰 时间:2019-07-18 点击量:



Day 5: 简单而又充实的一天

今天是我们到达法国的第五天,也是埃夫里大学暑期课程的第三天。今天的课程较昨天开始的更早,但是大家还是都准时集合,一同前往教学楼开启一天的学习生活。 每天早上在小镇中穿行的半小时大家都会交流自己早上煮了什么早餐,昨天的课大家又学到了什么。



 今天的法语老师是Luciana  Sena教授,她为每一个同学们准备了打印的课件。我们跟随录音学习了法语字母表,虽然和英文是同样的字母但是发音却差别很大,同学们都会不注意将它们用英文的读音念出来,发音也相对比较拗口,所以大家学习起来还是很有难度。然后学习了一些简短的问候语和一些基本的be动词的用法和变形等。老师非常注重每一位同学的参与度,也将一些名人引入课堂内容,让大家虽然是在全法语的授课中学习但是还是可以生动地理解教学内容。整个课程气氛的高点是最后每个人简短的法语自我展示,我们也向Luciana介绍了自己、介绍了自己的国籍和个人喜好等。

 下午,我们步行来到了法国巴黎“基因谷”园区,这里聚集了法国许多国家级的科研机构、高等院校和高技术企业,除基因科学的基础研究外,同时开展基因技术在医学、农业食品和环境方面的工业化应用研究和开发。首先,Aurelie Seguin(国际项目经理)向我们介绍了近年来中法之间主要在科学研究与试验发展方面的交流与合作以及对未来的展望。接着,Sami Djoulah (Wiratech Europe 的CEO)围绕“如何建立和发展一个企业”为我们带来了精彩的演讲。他以自己的企业“Wiratech”为例,介绍了自己企业主要的研究方向和市场前景。人类的基因决定了人的生老病死,如果我们有了自己的基因图谱,就可以知道自己和疾病之间的关系,识别、监测、分类、甚至是指导疾病的治疗。Wiratech公司主要通过数据分析实现精准医疗筛选适合患者的药物。如何将科研成果转化为商业化,这是每个创业者都会遇到的难题。首先,科技必须要与市场需求匹配。同时,创新与时机的把握对一个公司来说也十分的重要,公司需要时间去发展,但每一分每一秒的时间都是十分珍贵的,要善于把握时机。




 We’ve been in France for four days and the today is the third day of the summer course at Evry University. Today's course begins earlier than yesterday, but everyone is still on time and fully prepared  to start a brand new day of learning. Every morning during the half-hour walk to campus, we would exchange what we have for breakfast and what everyone learnt in yesterday's class.

 On the first day of the course, we studied basic French geography and local customs. On the second day, two biology professors filled us with biological knowledge of some application examples of the fusion of synthetic biology and immunology. Because France is a non-English speaking country, we often encounters language barriers in our study and daily life. In order to let us further understand the French culture and be more efficient in seminars , the school has arranged a French course for us.


 Today's French teacher is Professor Luciana Sena, and is very nice of her to prepare printed courseware for each classmate. First ,we followed the recording to learn the French alphabet.Although it is the same letter as English, but the pronunciation is quite different, we couldn’t help to rad them in English, and the pronunciation was relatively hard, so everyone had difficulty learning it. And then when learned some short greetings and some basic be verb usage and their morphing. The teacher payed great attention to the participation of each classmate, and also introduced some celebrities into the classroom content, so that although the course was taught in French, we can still vividly understood the teaching content. The most exciting part of the course is the short French self-presentation of each person. We introduced ourselves to Luciana about our nationality and personal preferences.

   In the afternoon, we walked to the "Genopole", where they gathered many academic laboratories、universities and labeled companies. Besides basic research of genetic science, we also carried out development and industrial application of genetic technology in medicine, agricultural food and environment. First, Aurelie Seguin,the international Project Manager, introduced to us the exchanges and cooperation between China and France in recent years. Then, Sami Djoulah gave us a wonderful speech on how to build and develop an enterprise. Taking his own enterprise "Wiratech" as an example, he introduced the main research direction and market prospects of his enterprise. If we have our own genetic map, we can know the relationship between ourselves and diseases. And the company uses data analysis to screen drugs for patients. How to turn achievements into commercialization is a difficult problem that every entrepreneur will face. First, technology must match market demand. At the same time, innovation and timing is also very important for a company. the company needs time to develop, but every minute and second of time is very precious, we should be good at seizing the opportunity.

 After the lecture, we went to the gym to study karate. The two coaches are all members of the French team. They showed us karate performances before class. Every action is very powerful. We mainly learned to kick, play and other simple movements. Although we are very tired after class, but the brain suddenly awakened. So, Occasionally striking a proper balance between work and rest is very important for us.

 After dinner, we went back to our apartments to rest. We don‘t know what will happen next day.


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