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作者:编辑:任一杰 时间:2019-07-24 点击量:






 首先,Laurent Pépin经理为我们简短地介绍了Genopole的规模、目前的研究方向等主要情况,并引出了今天讲座的大主题——“如何创立和发展一份事业”,这个命题和之前课程上偏科研知识的主题有所不同,旨在分享科研人员们如何将自己的研究成果带入市场,并以此获得利润。而很多同学们心中或多或少都有一个创业梦,这个主题则激起了同学们更大的兴趣和更深的思考。

 随后,主管国际项目的Aurélie Seguin经理和大家分享了目前中法两国在培养人才上的合作以及科研项目上日益紧密的合作交流。她收集了许多相关的统计数据,直观地表现了目前已有3700名中国留学生在法国读书,其中有43%的同学在攻读研究生或博士学位,未来期望中国留学生人数达到5000。同时,两国之间有很多科研项目也正在如火如荼地进行,发展前景十分可观。让大家出其不意的是,这位老师的PPT上都是法语,只能全靠听老师讲输入知识,使得这节课略显吃力。

 最后,Wiratech Europe 公司的CEO Sami Djoulah 和我们分享了创建公司的经验以及主要的研究方向,包括一些难攻克的癌症、多种疾病相关的TCR的表达特征、监控、药物应答等方面的研究。当然,他们公司在中国也有很多合作项目。Djoulah先生有一个观点很值得分享:创新就是科研在对的时机进入市场。作为在校学生,面对这个问题我们还有些懵懂,但关于科研成果市场化,这一定是很重要的一点。之后,同学们也都积极主动地去和老师讨论这个问题。

 Today is Wednesday, July 17, genetics class is almost over. We have studied the structure and composition of the human genome, polymorphisms, SNPs in the genome, we study genetic screening and identificationtoday.Under the patient guidance of the teacher , we used excel and website for data filtering and statistics, and learned many useful ways to filter data.

 In China, teachers use PPT to teach knowledge, and also in France.But French teachers will stop at the end of each section and answer the questions raised by the students in detail, and you can also ask the teachers at any time. The teachers are very happy to hear the students' questions answer them.It takes three hours for each class, with a 15-minute break in the middle. In the first half of the class, the teacher will teach the students theoretical knowledge, and in the second half, the students will be taught how to use websites and software for practical application,such as screening and identifying genes, and finally conducting analysis. The students will also do some exercises to answer the teacher's questions.The teacher is very responsible and careful. She will teach every student to use the software to complete what will be learned. She will not only use projection to demonstrate, but also help every student.

 Every teacher here is very conscientious, but their French English is difficult for some students does to adapt. Fortunately, they are very careful when they teach the knowledge, try to explain vocabulary that we don't understand and the speaking speed is also very easy to accept. They will send some PPT about software operating steps that are concise and easy to understand.

 In addition, the whole students can be equipped with a computer, and use it to see the teacher's PPT and search for information. After learning the theory knowledge, we use  a computer software to process data. The teaching mode that we can apply the knowledge immediately under the teachers’ guidance after learning theory is very efficient, and can also make the students understand and grasp more knowledge. More practice can deepen the impression,discover problems constantly, solve the problem by ourselves,and exercise the ability to study.

 In the afternoon, we visited Genopole, a gene valley near the university of evry.Founded in 1998, it is the oldest and largest biocluster in France that is dedicated to the development and innovation of genome-driven research .It aims to encourage innovation to advance the development of healthy economies, civic health and environmental health.Today, by providing the environment and infrastructure for bioentrepreneurs, Genopole is a leading cluster in human, animal and microbial genetics with outstanding expertise in innovative biotherapy, personalized medicine and industrial biotechnology.

 First, Laurent Pepin briefly introduced the scale of Genopole, the current research and so on, and raises the main theme of the lecture today - "how to create and develop a career". The theme of the partial research is a little different from what we learned in class. It shares the achievements how to make scientific research into the market and gain profit.While many students have a dream of entrepreneurship in their hearts more or less, this theme arouses students' greater interest and deeper thinking.

 Subsequently, Aurelie Seguin, who is in charge of international projects, Shared with us the current cooperation between China and France in talent cultivation, and the increasingly close cooperation and exchange in scientific research projects.She collected many relevant statistics and intuitively showed that there are 3,700 Chinese students studying in France currently , 43 percent of whom are studying for graduate or doctoral degrees. In the future, the number of Chinese students is expected to reach 5,000.At the same time, many scientific research projects between the two countries are also in full swing, with promising development prospects.To our surprise, this teacher's PPT is all in French, which can only rely on listening to the teacher, making it slightly difficult for us to understand.

 Finally, Sami Djoulah, CEO of Wiratech Europe, Shared with us his experience in establishing the company and his main research direction, including research on the expression characteristics, monitoring, drug response and other aspects related to some intractable cancers and various diseases.Of course, their company also has many cooperative projects in China.Mr Djoulah has a point that is worth sharing: innovation is when research enters the market at the right time.As students in school, we are still a little ignorant about this problem, but it must be an important point about the marketization of scientific research achievements.After that, the students took the initiative to discuss the problem with the teacher.

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