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学术报告:Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Catalyzed by Transition Metals Bearing All Carbon Ligands

作者:编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2018-10-29 点击量:1136

报告人:Professor Nobuaki Kambe, Osaka University



邀请人:红凌 教授


神户宣明教授,专注于催化合成领域(分子创成方向),毕业于日本大阪大学;现任大阪大学教授,担任大阪大学教学科研评议员、董事,工学院教学科研总长,英国皇家化学会会员、美国化学会会员、日本化学会理事。目前已发表论文200余篇,其中JACS 24篇,ACIE 15篇,邀请综述19篇,他引3680次,单篇最高引用176次,H-index41。撰写英文、日文专著12部,在其研究生涯中,共申请了10余项专利,大部分已经转给世界500强企业,获得了日本化学会最高奖“第68届日本化学会奖”。

最近发表论文有:Chem. Sci., 2018, 9(17), 2195; J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014,136, 9260; J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013,135(26), 9604; Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 4937; Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2010, 49(1), 144.


Carbon-carbon bond forming reactions constitute a basis of organic synthesis by providing important tools for constructing carbon skeletons. A variety of transition metal catalyzed reactions have been developed for connecting unsaturated carbon centers including sp‒ or sp2‒carbons and provided many useful methods for synthesizing functional materials including p-conjugated systems. Attempts to introduce sp3-carbon fragments into organic molecule by use of transition metal catalysts occasionally encounter difficulties resulting in unsatisfactory results. However, this field emerged and grew rapidly during the past decade. We have been working on the coupling reactions using transition metal catalysts to create new bonds at the saturated sp3‒carbon centers. At the seminar, our recent results will be presented (Scheme 1).

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