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作者:编辑:李秉章 时间:2022-08-30 点击量:






今天上课的内容主要分成三个部分,第一部分是presentation的练习,第二部分是书本内容The Science of Spiciness 的学习,第三部是关于critical thinking的练习活动。




Today we went to the 1911 Revolution Museum. SWith light hearts, we finally begin our trip. It took us about 30 minutes to reach our destination. Lining up, we followed the mass into the museum. What came into view was a tall red wall with statues curved on it. Vividly, it showed as the breath-taking view of the 1911 Revolution. When announced that we could visit the museum on our own, everybody dashed in to the exhibition room, because we only had 20 minutes. When we were in the first exhibition room, we were fortunate to listen a brief docents on the exhibition by a young cute girl. Time was running out but we hadn’t finished all the five exhibition rooms yet. Thanks to Miss Zhou, who gave us more 10 minutes, eventually most us finished all the exhibition rooms. At 11:30 a.m. , we gathered at the red wall, the students who wanted to join the CPC handed in their application letters. At last, together, all of us took a photo and left the museum. Not only did we have a deep insight into the 1911 Revolution and learned more details and the spirit of it—always have the bravery to be the first for the welfare of the mass, but also we knew more about this city Wuhan. An ecological Wuhan, an industrialized Wuhan, a convenient Wuhan, a civilized Wuhan. This experience will be cherished forever, blessing us with motivation and bravery to create a joint bright future.

Today's lesson is divided into three parts, the first part is the practice of presentation, the second part is the study of the book content The Science of Spiciness, and the third part is the practice activity of critical thinking.

We will have a presentation tomorrow so we did some practices today. We have prepared for this presentation for several days because it's really important. Everyone was so nervous at first that our behaviors were not naturally and we forgot our words several times. However, we did better the second time and we began to use some gestures and have some movements. Our teacher Michael said even if we were nervous we should move our feet to make the audience believe that you are confidence and if we forgot the words we should just say something such like the weather because nobody knows what you should say next. And beside the text, there's another necessary thing ----the PowerPoint. We had three group in total and each group had made a good ppt. In a word, we practiced for the presentation today and our ability to give a speech as well as organize an activity improved a lot. At the same time, we were really happy.

In today's textbook study, we first have a preliminary understanding of chili peppers and the culture behind them, learn some new words, and also try to apply them preliminarily. After understanding these new words, we learned through a video what spicy is, how to produce spicy, how to judge spicy, why to eat spicy. A total of three videos were watched, and the listening ability to obtain gist, listen to accurate pronunciation, and master details was exercised. Through this lesson, we have gained a deeper understanding of the familiar chili pepper.

In the next activity, we divide into three groups and make associative guesses through pictures to produce corresponding words, phrases or sentences. The difficulty gradually increases, step by step. Although it is difficult, everyone feels the joy of the challenge and the joy of learning. At the same time, the cooperation between teammates and active discussions also cultivated our team spirit, which was a very memorable activity class.









This morning,we visited 1911 Revolution History Museum.We spent approximately thirty minutes on our way going there. Due to the limited time,most of us only visited two of the five exhibition hall in the museum.However,the contains surely left us a deep impression.Below are some contains in the first hall.Once entering in,a sum of unequal treaties filled our eyesight.What a flogging our country went through in the past!The pressure on the negotiation table was extremely low.Although the government in Qing Dynasty was tough,we understand,but losing the integrity of China's sovereignty was really a shame.Yet not everyone slept at that time. Both the Westernization Movement and the Reform movement of 1898 in the late Qing Dynasty were typical examples of Chinese people facing to the intruders abroad,and the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895 was even more fierce.The result was tragic,though.But we will still be grateful to those warriors who sacrificed themselves into revolutions like Deng shichang and Ding ruchang.After Eight-Power Allied Forces war of aggression against China,our country fell into a deep valley once.Luckily ,a fresh power was rising.Revolutionaries represented by Sun zhongshan established plenty of organizations ,plus advocated Democratic Republic.What's more, the Constitutional movement that happened before also lay the groundwork for the 1911 Revolution.

Then we came to the second exhibition hall, its theme is "mass patriotic movement". As the pictures came into view and jumped into our mind, the picture of the revolutionary wave gradually became clear. We can see Boycott against Russia, Boycott American Products and Vested Rights Recovery Movement, but also feel the general public step by step of ideological innovation, witness the gradual rise of the sense of sovereignty. Sun yat-sen, Mr. Zhang Bing Lin allies and others set up The Chinese United League, after which they made extensive revolutionary promotions and mobilizations, organized and launched a series of armed uprising, Wuchang uprising fired the first shot. The revolution fanfare, fresh ideas, "for people of the world" shows the countless revolutionary fraternity mind and righteous revolutionary spirit. Sitting in the car back to school, we had mixed feelings. If not thousands of revolutionary predecessors had awakened the Chinese generous uprising, how to come to today? As Mr. Tan said, now, "state affairs", our duty-bound.

Because we came back too late at noon, we all felt a little sleepy in the afternoon class. In order to cheer everyone up, Mr. ablert asked the monitor to help him write something, which made fun of everyone.

Then the arrangement of the course became very compact. The teacher shared a lot of English terms about extreme weather with the students as soon as he came. At the same time, he also popularized a lot of knowledge and world records about extreme weather in the world. We were surprised that we knew so little about climate and were also shocked by the bad climate of the earth. It made us realize that maybe the earth is not a completely gentle mother, It also has its own sinister side, and at the same time, there are people in the world suffering from it. Albert then played an introduction video about extreme weather on other planets in the solar system. From giant hurricanes to strong corrosive acid rain, there is no place for human beings to settle down. We were immersed in the vastness and wonder of the universe, and we were worried for the future of human beings. We deeply realized that it was not human beings who chose the earth, but the earth chose human beings. We must protect the earth.

In the second class, Albert gave us guidance again for tomorrow's report. We have made obvious progress and become more confident and fluent.

At the end of the class, we played Jenga together and everyone was very happy. Watching everyone take the initiative to pull out the building blocks one after another and meet the strange requirements on the building blocks without panic, I suddenly understood the significance of these small games in the classroom - to open our heart from some casual moments and understand the students from all over the world who will spend four years in college together and occupy a place in their youth.



今天下午,我们进行了STORMS ON SATURM的课程,同学们积极与老师交谈,着力提升自己的英语对话交际能力,期间播放的对于八大行星的TED介绍视频更是吸引了大家的全部视线,不论是新奇的知识,抑或是绝美的动画。随后,我们在教室里进行了结业表演的排练,教师Sachini认真的纠正了每一个小组每一个人的发音、语调、演讲手势和各种各样的演讲注意事项。对于明天即将到来的结业表演,每个人都投出了百分百的努力,大家自觉的将课间休息时间用于排练,慷慨激昂的演讲声、激烈的讨论声,每一个人都争取做到精益求精,希望在明天的舞台上能够做到流利、从容、完美。虽然我们在台上的时候也还是会有些紧张、结巴、忘词,但在两次的练习之后,每一个小组都有了质的飞跃,Sachini高兴于我们的进步,并且鼓励大家,希望明天我们可以是最优秀的一个班,同时,也帮助我们缓解了紧张的情绪。在铭记历史的同时,不忘初心,吸收、融汇西方知识,这不正是我们中外合作的意义吗?

Today is Saturday, August 27. When we set foot on the road to the memorial hall of the 1911 Revolution, we have mixed feelings. The huge contrast between today's prosperous scene and the decadent China in the past makes us cherish the peaceful and happy life today. The appearance of the memorial hall is red rock, which not only reminds people of the awe inspiring revolutionary martyrs in red rock, but also the history written by these revolutionary martyrs with their blood. Nowadays, few of us really understand the whole picture of these red stories, and the most we know is a few names and places. We have not tried to understand the difficulties of that era. Today, there is a very young volunteer in the memorial hall. As a free commentator in the hall, he fully understands this history and spreads this knowledge to more people as much as possible. Seeing that today's new generation of young people are growing up like this, we believe that this generation of young people will become the mainstay of China in the new era and contribute their own strength to the development of the motherland. Now they know these sad and indignant histories at a young age, which will inspire them and us to follow the red gene, inherit the red spirit, and understand the hardships in the early days of the founding of the party, Cherish the peace under the great changes that have not happened in a century, listen to the party's teachings, follow the party's guidance, follow the party's orders, stand under the red flag, and grow up in the spring breeze. Our new generation of young people should shoulder the heavy responsibility of our predecessors, bravely stand in the forefront of the times, and be responsible and promising young people of the new era.

This afternoon, we held the course of stocks on Saturn. The students actively talked with the teachers and made efforts to improve their English conversation and communication skills. The Ted introduction video on the eight planets played during the course attracted everyone's attention, whether it was new knowledge or beautiful animation. Subsequently, we rehearsed the graduation performance in the classroom. Teacher sachini carefully corrected the pronunciation, intonation, speech gestures and various speech precautions of each group. For the coming graduation performance tomorrow, everyone has put 100% effort into it. Everyone consciously uses the break time for rehearsal, impassioned speeches and fierce discussions. Everyone strives to improve and hopes to be fluent, calm and perfect on the stage tomorrow. Although we are still nervous, stuttering and forgetting words on the stage, after two exercises, each group has made a qualitative leap. Sachini is happy with our progress and encourages everyone to hope that tomorrow we can be the best class. At the same time, it also helps us relieve our tension. While remembering history, we should not forget our original intention and absorb and integrate western knowledge. Isn't this the significance of our Sino foreign cooperation?

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