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作者:编辑:任一杰 时间:2019-07-25 点击量:



Day 6: 走进实验室与了解巴黎文化  

  经历了昨天的徒步和空手道训练后,大家休息了一晚并自己做了早饭后,继续开始一天的学习征程。今天依旧天气明朗,早上九点到达Maupertuis教学楼后,我们在Professor David PASTRE的带领下参观SABNP实验室。实验室主要研究RNA结合蛋白的翻译调控。David耐心的给我们介绍了从RBPRNA binding protein)如TDP-43tubulin在真核细胞和原核细胞的的纯化,到RBP在胞质中聚集与神经退行性疾病的关系。




  上午的课结束的尚早,同学们三五成群继续闲游在这座美丽的埃夫里小镇。午饭后,大家回到了Maupertuis教学楼,又见美丽的Philipine GARSIAULT,继续学习法国的历史与文化。

  下午我们首先学习了法国从一战前到一战后的艺术变革。经过启蒙思想与历代革命洗礼的法兰西民族在十九世纪达到了世界主义的境界。从1870 年开始, 法国绘画进入空前繁荣的探索与发展阶段,这是“the beautiful world“(1870-1914)时代,这时法兰西民族在绘画中常有聚会的美好时光,并且随着科技的发展,法国的绘画艺术正在不断革新。许多新的艺术流派逐个诞生,例如印象主义,野兽主义与立体主义。相比其中的代表性画家,还有一位在艺术方面有所创新的代表人物——穆夏,如今已随着他所属的新文化运动而被人们逐渐遗忘。穆夏笔下的年轻少女优雅甜美、身材玲珑有致,周围往往有花草水果等映衬。若是一眼望去,他的画作绝对令人难忘。

  在这个百花齐放的时期,也诞生了许多令当时人们无法接受的艺术。例如地处巴黎的Chatelet剧院,曾上演一些动作奇怪的剧集,令当时的人们愤怒到褪下衣衫、疯狂吼叫、乱扔椅子,以此来宣泄他们对这种艺术的不满。而在第一次世界大战后,那时的人们急于忘记战乱带来的痛苦,因而沉迷酒精,也进入了战后的“crazy years”(1920-1929)。这个时代的代表性人物有毕加索。他这个时期的画作体现出底层人民的苦难以及现代人的孤独。

  接着老师继续上次课堂的内容,向我们继续介绍不同行政区。其中第四行政区中有着为世界所闻名的巴黎圣母院,而不久前的一场天降之灾令全世界的人们不禁叹惋。老师介绍说巴黎圣母院的玻璃上均是有着许多精美的图画,因为那时的人们并不全会认字,因而用图画的方式记录圣经。与这处院堂同样著名的便是它的同名小说——《巴黎圣母院》,而它的作者维克多雨果也正是居住在这第四区域。第五行政区乃是年轻人活跃的区域,这其中有着著名的中学——Louis-Le-Grand High School。这所学校很难考入,正因如此严格的要求,也使得这所中学出了许多有名的作家。第七行政区是人气最高的区域,因为举世闻名的埃菲尔铁塔建立在这片土地,尽管当时的人们认为它并不好看。每年都有在埃菲尔铁塔举行跑步比赛。



  After yesterday's hiking and karate training, we had a rest at night and made our own breakfast, and continued our learning journey . It was still a clear and sunny today. After arriving at the Maupertuis building at 9:00, we visited SABNP laboratory with Professor David PASTRE. The laboratory mainly research in the translation regulation of RNA binding proteins. David patiently introduced us to the purification of RBP (RNA binding protein) such as TDP-43, tubulin in mammalian and prokaryotic cells, and the relationship between RBP aggregation in cytoplasm and neurodegenerative diseases. 


  Then, David gave us a brief introduction of some laboratory work and biotechnology, such as detection of the interaction of biological macromolecules with atomic force microscope (AFM), DNA absorption in mica (mica), and bioinformatics. The SABNP lab is much the same as the one in China, but with more big equipment and they have more partnerships with companies. I think this is where domestic laboratories can learn and improve.


  The morning class ended early, and our students chose to wander around the beautiful little town of Evry with friends. After lunch, we returned to the Maupertuis building and saw the beautiful Philipine GARSIAULT to continue our study of French history and culture.

  In the afternoon, we first studied the artistic revolution of France. The French people who were experienced by the enlightenment and the revolutions reached the boom era in the 19th century. Since 1870, French paintings have entered the exploration and development stage. Until 1914, it was the time of the beautiful world. At this time, the painting was full of happy time about parties. With the development of technology,France art has changed a lot. Many new schools of art are born, such as impressionism, fauvim and cubism. Compared with the representative painters, there is also an artist, Mocha, who has been gradually forgotten with the new cultural movement . Mocha's young girls are elegant , sweet, and there are so many flowers and fruit around them. His paintings are absolutely unforgettable if you glance at them.

 In this blooming period, there have been many arts that has been unacceptable for people in the France. "the Chatelet theater" in Paris, for example, there have been some strange episodes that have angered the people of this time to get off their clothes, yelll and throwing chairs to express their dissatisfaction with the art. After the first world war, people were eager to forget the pain of the war, so they were addicted to alcohol, and they entered the  "crazy years" (1920-1929). The representative of this era is Picasso. His paintings reflects the suffering of the underlying people and the loneliness of modern people.

  Then the teacher continued the contents of the last class and continued to introduce different regions in France. In the fourth district, there is a world known place—— Notre Dame, and a recent disaster caused people around the world to be sad. The teacher said that there were many beautiful pictures on the glass of the Notre Dame in Paris, because the mostly people at this time can't read words , so they recorded the bible in the picture of the glass. It is also have a famous novel with the same name .And the book's author, Victor Hugo, who also lives in the fourth district. In the fifth district is a popular area for young people, and it is included the famous high school——Louis-Le-Grand High School. This school is hard to get in.It has produced a lot of famous writers because of such strict requirements. The seventh district is the most popular area, because the world-famous Eiffel Tower is based on the land, although people in the past thought it was not beautiful. Every year there is a running race in the Eiffel Tower. 


At the last teacher showed us the fashion brands in Paris, such as chanel and LV,and introduced us the fashion concept of different brands. After answering our  questions, a significant day was over.

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