
作者:编辑:吴颖 时间:2019-03-21 点击量:8143


职称职务 博士生导师
学科专业 生物物理
联系方式 联系电话:                        
电子邮箱 jiankeg@hust.edu.cn 

教育经历 2004.9—2007.7,华南农业大学 本科(提前毕业)
2009.9—2017.3,华中科技大学 博士

2017.3—2018.10,美国密西根大学 博士后
2018.10—今,华中科技大学 教授
研究方向 感知外周环境的变化并对这些变化做出正确的反应是生命有机体赖以生存的基本。在神经系统的感知生物学领域,本实验室主要关注两个重要的科学问题:(1)感知外周环境的各种变化所对应的一系列蛋白质受体,例如光受体和温度受体,即:感受输入机理;(2)传导各种感知所需要的信号通路基因与其对应功能,即:功能输出机理。

以第一作者身份,在Cell (2016)发表有关新型紫外光受体蛋白的吸收光机理,此工作被同期Science头条评论并给予高度评价;以第一作者身份,在Cell (2019)发表关于冷感受的作用机制,这是首次发现并阐明低温感受的受体蛋白工作原理;以共同第一作者身份,在Science Advances、Genes and Development和 Cell Reports国际著名学术期刊上发表高水平研究论文3篇;以共同作者身份在Cell、Molecular Cell、Nature Medicine、Nature Communications和Current Biology发表论文7篇。

1. Gong, J., Liu, J., Ronan, E., He, F., Cai, W., Fatima, M., Zhang, W., Lee, H., Li, Z., Kim, G., Pipe, K., Duan, B., Liu, J., Xu, X.Z.S. (2019) A Cold-Sensing Receptor Encoded by A Glutamate Receptor Gene. Cell 178, 1-12

2. Gong, J., Yuan, Y., Ward, A., Kang, L., Zhang, B., Wu, Z., Peng, J., Feng, Z., Liu, J., Xu, X.Z.S. (2016) The C. elegans taste receptor homolog LITE-1 is a photoreceptor. Cell 167, 1252-1263 (Previewed by Science)

3. Li, G.*, Gong, J.*, Liu, J., Liu, J., Li, H., Hsu, A., Liu, J., Xu, X.Z.S. (2019) Genetic and pharmacological interventions in the aging motor nervous system slow motor aging and extend life span in C. elegans. Science Advances 5, eaau5041 (*co-first authors)

4. Zhang, B.*, Gong, J.*, Zhang, W., Liu, J., Xu, X.Z.S.(2018) Brain–gut communications via distinct neuroendocrine signals bidirectionally regulate longevity in C. elegans. GenesDev 32, 258-270 (*co-first authors)

5. Rauthan, M.*, Gong, J.*, Wescott, S., Liu, J., Xu, X.Z.S. (2017) MicroRNA regulation of nicotine-dependent behavior in C. elegans. Cell Reports 21, 1434-1441 (*co-first authors)

6. Jun, H., Yu, H., Gong, J., Jiang, J., Qiao, X., Perkey, E., Kim, D., Emont, M., Zestos,A., Rainey, W., Cho, J., Liu, J., Kennedy, R., Maillard, I., Xu, X.Z.S., Wu, J. (2018) An immune-beige adipocyte communication via nicotinic acetylcholine receptor signaling. Nature Medicine 24, 1-9

7. Meng, Z., Gong, J., Chen, Z., Sun, J., Xiao, Y., Wang, L., Li, Y., Liu, J., Xu, X.Z.S, Lin, J. (2017) Glucose sensing by skeletal myocytes couples nutrient signaling to systemic homeostasis. Molecular Cell 66,332-344 (Cover Story)

8. Li, G., Gong, J., Lei, H., Liu, J., Xu, X.Z.S. (2016) Promotion of behavior and neuronal function by reactive oxygen species in C. elegans. Nature Communications 7:13234

9. Chaudhuri, J., Bose, N., Gong, J., Hall, D., Rifkind, A., Bhaumik, D., Peiris, H.,Chamoli, M., Le, H., Liu, J., Lithgow, G., Ramanathan, A., Xu, X.Z.S., Kapahi, P.(2016) A Caenorhabditis elegans model elucidates a conserved role for TRPA1-Nrf signaling in reactive α-dicarbonyl detoxification. Current Biology 26, 1-12

10. Chun, L., Gong, J., Yuan, F., Zhang, B., Liu, H., Zheng, T., Yu, T., Xu, X.Z.S., Liu, J. (2015) Metabotropic GABA signalling modulates longevity in C. elegans. Nature Communications 6:8828

11. Xiao, R., Zhang, B.*, Dong, Y.*, Gong, J.*, Xu, T., Liu, J., and Xu, X.Z.S. (2013) A genetic program promotes C. elegans longevity via a thermosensitive TRP channel. Cell 152, 806-817


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