记录小组: “吴彦组”


This morning and afternoon, we gathered in the Evry University to finish writing the experimental report. The process of writing the experimental report is also the process of sorting out the experimental ideas and experimental results. It allows us to complete a complete scientific research cycle, and also helps us to understand the logic of scientific research at a deeper level.
Because some students in the group did not collect water samples at the prescribed places and did not report to the teacher in time. Slyvain, our teacher, solemnly warns us, "If there's a lie in your experiment, your scientific life will end." The words are short, but the road ahead of us in scientific research is long. If every student who is engaged in scientific research in the future can remember Sylvain's words and carry them out, it will be a foundation for everyone in the scientific community and a blessing for the academic community.
After dinner, four students presented a background presentation of Asterix Amusement Park for tomorrow's trip. They talked about Asterix Amusement Park from a variety of perspectives, including location, cultural stories, and visit suggestions. This part not only exercises everyone's information collection ability and oral expression ability, but also lays the foundation for tomorrow's travel, so that everyone's trip is more efficient.
Slyvain has an additional surprise for us: our future plant physiology teacher, whom we look forward to seeing again in Wuhan in November.
It was still daylight in Evry at nine o 'clock at night, and everyone came to the hotel with knowledge. Lying in bed with their eyes closed, who is looking forward to tomorrow's surprise trip?