阿斯泰利克斯主题公园 (Parc Astérix) 于1989年建于法国巴黎近郊,是法国乃至欧洲最受欢迎的主题公园之一,被称做 “ 法国版的迪斯尼乐园”。公园主题源自法国家喻户晓的漫画书——阿斯泰利克斯历险记,高卢英雄——瘦小的阿斯泰利克斯 (Astérix) 和 胖胖的奥贝利克斯 (Obélix) 陪伴许多法国人度过他们的童年。

We went to the famous park today and had a very pleasant day there.
The Parc Ast é rix theme park was built in 1989 in the suburbs of Paris, France. It's one of the most popular theme parks in France and even Europe, known as the "French version of Disneyland". The theme of the park is derived from the comic book Asterix, which is well-known in French countries. Gallic heroes Astérix and Obélix accompany many French people through their childhood.
In order to meet the diverse needs of our classmates, we are divided into a mild group and a stimulating group. For safety reasons, everyone choosed different projects based on their personal acceptance level. The students were holding maps and working in groups of five, shuttling through the entire amusement park. Everyone enjoyed a great time. We were fortunate to see a garden float at the end of our trips and had a pleasant interaction with the people on the float.
This journey had alleviated some of the learning pressure. We believed that the journey of combining work and rest would definitely bring us full rewards.