

傍晚,我们开始了精心准备的Sweets Party,这里有好多糖果!我们也自己动手做了多道中国美食带到party,让法国老师和同学们大饱口福。同时今晚也是为我们的刘剑淼老师庆生的时刻。我们准备了一块漂亮的生日蛋糕,并录制了温馨的祝福视频,用心表达了对老师的感激和祝福之情。我们欢快地唱生日歌,老师在大家的祝福声中许下了新的心愿。随后,我们总结了回顾游学过程中的精彩时刻,并对整个科学研究项目进行了总结。这是为期八年的研究项目,今年的结果会对未来有很深远的影响。回忆着我们一起学习、游览和探索的点点滴滴,整个Party气氛热烈而又温馨,这个夜晚成为了难忘的回忆。

Today is the penultimate day before we leave the country. We had a full and interesting day.
We took part in a fierce but friendly badminton competition. Chinese students teamed up with their French counterparts during the match and showed their tenacious fighting spirit. Many students who are not strong in badminton also took their rackets to the court and gave their best to enjoy the game. Sweating together with French students made our friendship deeper. We had lunch together and enjoyed the surprise food prepared by Mr Sylvain.
Then, in the afternoon, we went back to school to work on our lab reports for our science project. This project is an important part of our school trip in France and it came to an end this afternoon. In the classroom, members of each group worked together, carefully recording the data of each group and analysing the results, finally completing a satisfactory lab report. Throughout the process, we not only learnt scientific knowledge but also developed teamwork and problem-solving skills.
In the evening, we started a well-prepared Sweets Party with lots of sweets! We also made a lot of Chinese food and brought it to the party for the French teachers and students to enjoy. Tonight was also the time to celebrate the birthday of our teacher Liu Jianmiao. We prepared a beautiful birthday cake and recorded a heart-warming video to express our gratitude and blessings to our teacher. We sang the birthday song cheerfully and the teacher made a new wish in the sound of everyone's blessing. Afterwards, we summarised the wonderful moments during the review tour and the whole scientific research project. This is an eight-year research project and this year's results will profoundly impact the future. Recalling the bits and pieces of our studies, excursions and explorations together, the atmosphere of the whole Party was warm and welcoming, and the night became an unforgettable memory.
We felt academic achievements and built deep friendships in communication and interaction. We deeply felt the charm of French culture and drew a successful conclusion to our study trip. In the coming days, we will continue to explore more unknowns and create more beautiful memories with excitement.