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学术讲座_Quantifying the Ca2+-dependence of neurosecretion by combined TIRF- Microscopy and Patch-Clamp

作者:编辑: 时间:2009-05-22 点击量:

题目:Quantifying the Ca2+-dependence of neurosecretion by combined TIRF- Microscopy and Patch-Clamp

报告人Jens Rettig

Institute of Physiology, Saarland University

时间:2009525(星期一) 上午1000




Cellular Neurophysiology.

The research in Jnes Rettig lab is directed towards elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission. The ultimate goal is to understand how communication between nerve cells is mediated and modulated. Extrapolation of that knowledge from individual synapses to networks of the brain will enable us to understand the function of neural networks and identify potential strategies for treatment of CNS disorders. In order to achieve these goals we are using a combination of sophisticated electrophysiological and imaging methods on defined genetic model systems.



Jens Rettig 1993年在德国Free大学获得生物化学博士学位,1994-1995年在美国华盛顿大学药学院从事博士后工作,1995-2000年在德国马普膜生物物理师从诺贝尔奖得主Prof. Dr. Erwin Neher2000至今在萨尔大学生理学院任教授。



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